Top 10 artikelen uit internationale media

1. Warren Buffett Says This 1 Simple Habit Separates Successful People From Everyone Else
Billionaire Warren Buffett, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is 87 years old and still capturing the world's attention as the second richest person on the planet (as of this writing). So, how has he done it?
2. Decision making in your organization: Cutting through the clutter
Managing the decision-making process in a company is a crucial part of maintaining a well-functioning organization—which is why much more attention needs to be directed at how decisions are being made. In this episode of the McKinsey Podcast, senior partner Aaron De Smet and senior expert Leigh Weiss speak with McKinsey’s Simon London about how organizations can make better decisions and execute on them in a clearer, more efficient way.
3. How to use Excel for practical debt repayment calculations
The start of a new year is a time for planning, renewal, and figuring out how to pay off that holiday debt. This article considers how to model debt repayment calculations from a practical perspective. It addresses three common calculations using Excel’s financial functions for the last item. Excel expert Liam Bastick shares quick and easy formulas for modelling credit card and other debts.
4. The ‘My Way’ Approach to Zero-Based Budgeting
“Regrets. I’ve had a few …”
Much like Frank Sinatra, financial executives who have just wrapped the laborious budgeting process are also likely to have a list of unmentioned regrets. If they were inclined to articulate them, no doubt zero-based budgeting (ZBB) would land atop the heap.
5. 5 Crucial Mistakes Leaders Continue To Make
Leaders continue to be too comfortable with being comfortable. During times of tremendous change and transformation, they should make risk their best friend for their people and organizations to evolve. But they are just not committing enough to disrupt the status quo. Unfortunately they have become too afraid and insecure. They would rather play it safe and make the challenges their organizations face today someone else’s problem tomorrow.
6. Is Your Company’s Data Actually Valuable in the AI Era?
There are hundreds of articles claiming that “data is the new oil” — by which they mean it is a fuel that will drive the AI economy. If that is the case, then your company can consider itself lucky. You collected all this data, and then it turned out you were sitting on an oil reserve when AI happened to show up. But when you have that sort of luck, it is probably a good idea to ask “Are we really that lucky?”
7. The Leadership Benefits of Performance and Storytelling
The scene is set in 2002 at the San Jose Convention Centre in California where software developers have gathered for the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). On a darkened stage, the giant screen shows the interior of a cathedral while Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor echoes through the walls. Smoke glides across the floor. Steve Jobs, in his usual black turtleneck and blue jeans, walks to the casket and opens it. The audience laughs……
8. How technology in audit helps to drive business transformation
While data analytics tools are not a new phenomenon, recent advances in technology coupled with client-side investments in data capture have allowed the accountancy profession to digitize and drive the use of enhanced analytical tools in audit, offering better quality, speed and value the process-as well as greater insights.
9. Nine Strategies to Finally Get Your Email Under Control
I'm guessing that, by now, you've done a deep dive into your email account settings. You know all the filtering and labeling tricks. But those email hacks usually just organize you. They don't do a ton to limit how many legitimate emails you get every day. For that, you have to lay some ground rules that have nothing to do with checking or unchecking a box.
10. What Can CFOs Learn About Sustainability From The Carillion Saga?
A few years ago I learned that the basic principle of good working capital management was this: get your customers to pay you as soon as you can (ideally upfront) and pay your suppliers as late as you can get away with. This is a wonderful principle in theory but there is a major flaw with applying it in practice – if everyone does it, it won’t work. Hence, only the corporate giants can really get away with this approach.