Waarom is blockchain zo hot? Top 10 artikelen van de week

1. This 1 Simple Question Helps Jeff Bezos Make Tough Life Choices
Do you leave the good job to start the dream? Is this the right person to marry? Should you have kids now? Questions like these–the life-altering decisions category–never stop coming at you. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and Blue Origin, and also the richest person in history, shared how he makes big decisions at Summit, the Idea Festival in Los Angeles in November.
2. Digital trends and observations from Davos 2018
The massive snowfall in Davos this year certainly made getting around a little more challenging compared to years past, but that did nothing to dampen the conversation. We were fortunate to be at this year’s World Economic Forum, and after dozens of conversations with executives from around the world, we wanted to share a number of things that struck us about what we heard.
3. How to counteract unconscious biases
Everyone has unconscious attitudes that stem from their ethnic origin, gender, age, experiences, and culture. “Those stereotypes cause us to have a bias toward people and influence who we engage and who we don't engage,” said Anthony Newkirk, senior manager of diversity and inclusion at the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants. Fortunately, there are ways CPAs can counteract unconscious bias in the workplace
4. Metric of the Month: Accounts Payable Cost
For some companies, processing accounts payable is a time-consuming, detail-intensive function. For others, it’s a quick and easy task. But before jumping to conclusions about your company’s relative process performance, take the time to view data through multiple lenses: intra-company, intra-industry, and cross-industry. Companies that take this holistic view of process benchmarks develop a rich baseline of data to help improve their finance operations.
5. Do CEOs Deserve Their Pay?
In many respects, extremely large CEO compensation packages are problematic. The practice over-emphasises the impact of a single individual and undervalues the contributions of other employees to the success of a company. What make these ratios even more troublesome are studies that show that companies with high CEO-to-worker pay ratios have lower shareholder returns than companies with lower ratios.
6. 6 Easy Tips to Up Your LinkedIn Game
Before starting my public relations and communications business, I focused more on my LinkedIn page than ever before in my 20-year career. Sure, my profile was always up to date, but I didn't make the best use of it. My summary story read like a resume, which was then repeated in my experience section. I had no cover art and hadn't written any articles to showcase what I do. I wasn't liking, commenting on and sharing posts from those in my network. So many missed opportunities.
7. Seven Deadly Sins for Private Equity CFOs
Meet Bob. He’s the CFO of TechX, a growing SaaS platform-based company. Bob has been its CFO for seven years, having grown into the role from his roots in accounting. The good news: TechX was just purchased by a private equity firm, and Bob is eagerly anticipating the enhancement that will bring to both his resume and his wallet (the latter via a successful exit).
8. Eight Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership
Company leaders are facing a crisis. Nearly one-third of employees don’t trust management. In addition to this, employers now have to cater to the needs of the millennial generation. On average, after graduating from college, a millennial will change jobs four times before they are 32. Most of them also don’t feel empowered on their current jobs.
9. How Cloud Computing Is Changing Management
Theories and practices of management often spring from the opportunities created by new technologies. Interchangeable parts spurred ideas about structuring assembly lines and logistics. The complex calculations of the field known as Operations Research were enabled by mainframe computing. Client-server technology begat enterprise resource planning systems, and the consequent system-wide visibility that was required for what we call business process management (BPM).
10. Why Is Blockchain Suddenly So Hot?
To fully appreciate what blockchain technology can bring to a corporate treasury department, start by setting aside all preconceptions about cryptocurrencies. Although the two technologies share similar trajectories, they are distinct, each with its own risks and rewards. In the case of blockchain, or distributed-ledger technology (DLT), the potential rewards include enhanced efficiency, collaboration, transparency, and trust. In the case of corporate foreign exchange (FX) programs, blockchain provides a way to leverage those rewards to gain greater visibility into currency exposures and FX-related losses, which cost multinationals billions of dollars each year.
11. The 11 Worst Email Mistakes Everyone Makes
By next year, we will send nearly 250 billion emails to each other a day. That's about 33 emails each of us on Earth sends and receives every 24 hours. Email etiquette is therefore very important–it's an integral part of how you communicate and develop relationships with people. I decided one of the first things I'd ask our Radiate Experts for advice on is how they manage emails. Below are some of their–and my own–tips to avoid the most common email mistakes: