Leadership in Finance – To pilot a company anti-cyclically through the Credit Crisis

"By the end of 2008, the consequences of the international credit crisis had spread across a broad front and in time could also have affected Imtech. Nevertheless, Imtech now faces the future with confidence. Imtech is well-positioned in the growth market of energy & environment as well as in government financed markets such as mobility, infrastructure, rail, environment, care & cure and education. Around 30% of revenue is generated from government initiated or supported projects. In economically difficult times the expectation is that government will follow an anti-cyclical investment policy and technology is one of the most important motivators. As a result of this, Imtech is well-balanced. At the same time, Imtech is keeping its finger on the pulse through active monitoring of its cash position, working capital, indirect costs, the development of its order book and risks such as a worsening of its customers' financial positions."

By: Boudewijn Gerner, CFO Imtech N.V.

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