Duizenden banen in de bankwereld verdwijnen door talloze ‘fintech startups’

Duizenden banen in de bankwereld verdwijnen binnen enkele jaren door Google Bank, Apple Bank, Facebook Bank en talloze 'fintech startups'. Veel slimme ondernemers kijken verlekkerd naar de enorme winsten die banken nog steeds maken. Wereldwijd wordt er meer en meer geïnvesteerd in techbedrijven die de gevestigde orde graag omver willen werpen. De Uber van de banksector is nog niet opgestaan, maar lang zal dat niet meer duren.
In de linkedin groep Banking & Insurance Professionals Netherlands (het voormalige DUBAIIN) is de discussie over fintech losgebarsten. Met vragen als: What are – according to you – the latest technology driven innovations in business finance in the Netherlands and abroad? En. What are tomorrow’s opportunities? Which companies or services are likely to be disrupted?
Inmiddels hebben een aantal experts hun mening gegeven.
*** All industries run the risk of what we call “Big Bang Disruption ***
Pieter Paul van Oerle (Accenture): “There are many digital disruptions occurring in the financial industry. New communications platforms based on mobility solutions and social media, frictionless payment services and payments to be handled by Facebook to name just a few. Mobile will in the coming years be the catalyst for transformations in the financial B2C segment. The impact will reach beyond changing client interaction. Mobile will be present through the entire financial sector. Products, payments, processes and intellectual property they will all be influenced and take different forms. An example is MobyFace: an easy, efficient and save way of online transactions (log in, share information etc.) with the help of a smart device. In the B2B segment Cloud and Analytics are two important technologies that drive innovation. But these opportunities come with their own challenges like security and data governance..”
De Dutch FinTech Awards 2015 is hét platform voor toonaangevende FinTech-bedrijven. Duizenden banen in de bankwereld verdwijnen binnen enkele jaren door talloze ‘FinTech- startups’. Innovatieve bedrijven staan te popelen om talloze gefrustreerde klanten van financiële instellingen van dienst te zijn. Wereldwijd wordt er meer en meer geïnvesteerd in techbedrijven die de gevestigde orde graag omver willen werpen. Neem deel. Word lid van de FinTech Community, bezoek de FinTech Events, meld u aan voor de Dutch Fintech Awards 2015.
*** Dutch banks are still lagging behind ***
Freek Dech (investor): “Banks and insurance companies see B2C fintech firms more and more as competitors, because these small, agile companies have identified massive opportunities. Eventually banks and insurance companies will have to come on board. The disruptive nature of fintech entrepreneurs will definitely force change at banks and insurance companies. Eventually, what we need is a hybrid between capital and things like crowdfunding. When these two worlds meet there will also be a further shake-out of crowdfunding companies, something that has already started happening. I believe that banks are increasingly seeing that they need to work with or start behaving like fintech companies, but in The Netherlands banks are still lagging behind countries like Germany and Italy.”
*** Small companies like KNAB and a number of other startups have huge opportunities ***
Tony de Bree (consultant): Because of the oligopoly with the three large Dutch Banks actually blocking fundamental changes in the structure of the industry, The Netherlands are lagging behind in terms of differentiating business models, targeting the bottom line and real entrepreneurial thinking and acting in practice in fintech. The large banks are focusing on each other and ‘me-too’- strategies. But small companies like KNAB and a number of other startups that are in the making, using the banking license of another existing company have huge opportunities.”
Discussieer ook mee. Ben je expert of investeerder dan is het wellicht ook iets om betrokken te zijn bij de Dutch Fintech Awards 2015. Alle input is welkom.
Voor meer informatie bezoek de website www.fintechcapital.nl of neem contact op met initiatiefnemer Alex van Groningen via 06 50 643 283 / alex@vangroningen.nl.